Address: 4 Hospitalna St. (Rus Hotel)
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Since 1993 the Matiola has been producing and selling exclusive textile articles decorated with hand embroidery, hem-stitch, knitting and cut-work. Hand-made objects are always of exceptional beauty and are believed to possess special energy that appears when an artist puts his heart and soul into his work.
The Matiola provides an exclusive collection of handmade items, lovingly created for you by artisans of Ukraine. The standard assortment includes tablecloths of different size, rushniki, tracks, chemises, blouses, shawls and scarves, postcards with embroidery, pictures embroidery, knitted tablecloths, napkins and collars. Each item is individual and reflects the country style and charm. The statement that the all the works are unique is not just mere words, as each embroidery has its unique vision of a composition and color scheme of each flower and each petal of predetermined design.
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All the articles offered are of the highest quality. According to the traditions, all the works are of natural materials, 100% flax or cotton, and embroidered with moulinet. The articles can be washed in washing machine under the high temperature, but it is not recommended to use chlorine-containing components for washing, as the threads may lose their original colors.
There is an old believing that only kind-hearted people should embroider, as a wicked man could never create the embroidery work of art. Looking at the articles of the Matiola embroideresses, it seems that the only kindest people work there. Imbued with positive energy, the Matiola's textile wares will adorn your dwelling interior and for many years delight your eyes with its original beauty.