
Dixieland Restaurant

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 Mikado Restaurant
Address: 55 Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St.
Phone: 38-044-2442237

Japanese cuisine differs greatly both from European cuisine and oriental culinary traditions. The fundamental rule of Japanese cuisine, which is not only techniques, but mainly traditions and art, can be formulated as following: "Do not create, but find and reveal". It perfectly suits Japanese philosophy, according to which people shouldn't try to change the world (that is a basement of European philosophy), but should learn to see the beauty in nature, which is the only creator. Thus the chef of the Japanese restaurant does not strive to create something extraordinary, but reveals the original flavor and beauty of each product.
At the Mikado the fundamental principles of Japanese culinary tradition are carefully observed. The cooks use only the freshest seasonal ingredients to create food, which is bold in its simplicity. Nothing is overcooked; there are only degrees of rawness. It is a way of preparation, which respects what we eat and keeps it close to its natural essence. Simplicity, quality and artistry are ideals which have kept the Mikado at the forefront of Japanese dining in Kiev.
The guests to the Mikado can choose their favorite dishes from the extensive menu, which features a huge selection of Sushi, Sushirolls, Sashimi, Tempura dishes, tepan-yaki, salads and soups.
Another important constituent of Japanese cuisine, where an aesthetic aspect is as important as a gastronomic one, is the art of laying the table. Everybody knows the saying that the Japanese eat "with their eyes". Every dish, simple or the most complicated one, should be tastefully decorated and served. This rule is also followed at the Mikado Restaurant.
Not only adults, but also children are welcome at the Mikado, where they will familiarize with the amazing Japanese culture. At the Mikado they can not only learn how to eat with chopsticks, but also try there best in origami or cooking on tepan.
The Mikado, which is reckoned among the most popular restaurants of Japanese cuisine in Kiev, is well located close to the center of town, between two metro stations - the Dvorets Sporta metro station and the Respublikansky Stadion metro station. Its location is very convenient for many of the city's major hotels and is not far from Kiev's business and entertainment areas.

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